Pastor Dani and part of his team and local church members.
Hello my friends again
I hope everything is good and the peace of Jesus be with all of you, The ministry is coming in partnership with a beautiful church settled in Costa Rica. For the ministry is a pleasure to work together with others Latin American brothers, the name of the Pastor is Dany and he is an amazing leader, the purpose of this mission trip is to strengthened and do follow-up with the church in Raton. Some of you remember Pastor Simon, he has around 15 years of partnership with us; between 2016 to 2017 he and his team reach 1,621.00 children’s and 210 kids have taken the choice to follow Jesús between and have trained 14 new teachers. He is doing an amazing job going to plant new churches and with the children ministry. During the meetings we received around 50 people and around 30 to 50 kids, teaching about how treat the woman, about how to be a healthy church and others themes were shared.
Meetings for teaching the church.
Also, repairs were made to the temple like, replacing the side transparent tins, repositioning the side door and repair the roof.
We talked with pastor Simon about the future of how the ministry will continue to help. The new church from Costa Rica will come next year in order to strengthen and support the work even more, this is the coordinate 8°30'53.5"N 81°47’01.9"W so you guys can see where exactly we were.
Once again thanks for the support given to the ministry, and to me. God is moving and that is amazing.
God Bless you and the peace of our Savior be with you.
David Vega.
Repairs to the roof and other parts of the building of more than 10 yrs old.