
Through various tools and ministries, training is given to the Church so they can be in a better position to reach and witness their communities and villages with the love of Christ.  All these is done through the bible institutes, t4t trainings for church planting, water filter workshops / INSTALLATION, leadership workshops and others.

Medical Clinics

In Partnership with USa ministries and in coordination with the Health Department in Panama, medical clinics are taken to remote areas, where health availability is sometimes eight hours away by foot. Physical health and Spiritual Health is given simultaneously.

Jesus taught his disciples how to do it, we should DO LIKEWISE.  

"praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved." Acts 2:47


Comunity tranformation

As we reach communities and see the various physical needs there are, as consequence of the spiritual need, something needs to be done. Through the person of peace of the different areas or in the case there is a church in the area, We meet with the community in order to evaluate and develop strategies so a transformation of mind can start that will bring a change in the life of communities.  

some of the projects are, construction of church building, latrines, school supplies for the school in the areas where we go, bible donation, water filters, the women’s jail sharing and others.


Discipleship is more than teaching the Word of God to others, is transferring the life of Jesus that is in each one of US, his follower to others,  And that, my friend, is a process that requires time and sacrifice. 

Missions is the result of evangelism and discipleship, but this last one is the weakness of the church, generally speaking. help us make disciples that will make disciples AND TOGETHER WORSHIP THE KING.  That is our call.

team Support


national Pastors and miSsionaries, in partnership with MGPanama in remote areas, work together in order to plant new churches in areas where are none.  It is their and our purpose to go to places where no one wants to go, not even the already established church.   Will you join us to go beyond? WILL YOU BECOME AN ACTIVE PARTNER IN SUPPORTING ONE OF THE MISSIONARIES? CONTACT US FOR FURTHER INFORMATION.