Videos of the various mission outreaches, Christmas celebrations, and others. Of course, not all the trips have a video, but you can read more about how our Lord allows His word to reach remote areas in the mountains of Panama on the following page: mgpanama/updates/news
Bible Institute in Guabal - Sept 5-7, 2024. This module was challenging for the participants because they had to deal with two languages (Spanish and Ngobe) in addition to English when the facilitators came from the USA. It is a pleasure to be part of this.
2024 - August. Trip to Hacha, Pacific side of the Ngabe-Bugle reservation, Panama.
2024 - June. Mission trip to the Teribe w. Asbury Ch, Bocas del Toro. Subtitled video here Need to activate subtitles in video configuration.
2024 - May, Construction / Evangelism Mission Trip to Venado, Atlantic side.
MGPanama Ministry interviews pastors, missionaries and volunteers, about God’s work in different areas. This is Pastor Heitor, serves in the cities equipping Pastors and Leaders on starting home churches.
This is an interview with Pastor Simon from a remote areas in Panama.